“Fill the Gap, Cross the Bridge” Does being creative mean creating something from nothing or combining the existing in a way that has never been thought before or catching the unique synthesis or finding the way to fill a gap for the first time? To find the answer to this question, just look at the productions called “creative”. When a communication-related target emerges, it is necessary to examine on both macro and micro levels the main topic that this target belongs. The gaps noticed during this exam are very valuable! When clearly identifying the reasons for the gaps, we also need to know the context. Do you have a good command of the subject of your target? When answering this question, you need both the numbers and the life. For example, it probably is not wise to organize a private viniculture trip for the residents of Toscana region, but if you have a brand aiming to reach the Indian audience, you can organize a contest to send the winners to a wine tour held in Toscana, or you can turn this kind of experiences into documentaries or fun videos.